
  • V. V. Shevchuk


: plant growth regulators, bacterial preparations, foliar feeding, leaf surface area, net photosynthesis productivity, pigments, productivity, winter pea


In the technological process, the use of growth regulating and bacterial preparations, their compositions, and foliar feeding is promising for increasing the yield of leguminous crops. The aim of the work was to study the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with the plant growth regulator Endophyt-L1 RK (10 ml per 1 ton of seeds), the bacterial preparation BTU-r (3 l per 1 ton of seeds), their complex application and two foliar feedings in phase 3-5 -ty leaves micro fertilizer LF-BOBOVI (1.5 l/ha) and in phase 3-5 leaves LF- BOBOVI (1.5 l/ha) and budding LF- BOBOVI (2.5 l/ha) + Biobor 140 (1.0 l/ha) on the peculiarities of the formation of winter peas photosynthetic apparatus. Research was conducted on winter pea plants of the NS Moroz variety. During the research, the content of the sum of chlorophylls a+b, the area of stipules, and the net productivity of photosynthesis were determined. It was established that the use of the plant growth regulator Endophyte L1 RK, the bacterial preparation BTU-r and their combination with the N45P45K45 fertilizer led to an increase in the area of stipules of winter peas of the NS Moroz variety compared to the control variant by 14,8 and 15%, respectively. During foliar feeding in the phase of 3-5 stipules of winter pea plants with micro fertilizers LF- BOBOVI the area increased by 28, 20, 40%, and treatment in the phase of 3-5 stipules with LF- BOBOVI micro fertilizers and in the phase of budding - with a mixture of drugs LF- BOBOVI + Biobor 140 area increased respectively by 39, 33, 59% compared to the control. The use of pre-sowing seed treatment in combination with N45P45K45 fertilizer and two-time foliar fertilization in the 3-5 stipule phase and the budding phase ensured the formation of the highest content of chlorophylls a and b in winter pea stipules, which, on average, over the years of research, in the phases of budding, flowering and the formation of beans exceeded the control variant by 12%, 11%, 8%, respectively. An increase in the net productivity of photosynthesis was detected with the combined pre-sowing treatment of winter peas with the plant growth regulator Endophyte L1 RK and inoculant BTU-r with background fertilizer N45P45K45 and two-time foliar feeding, which increased by 32% compared to the control. The problem of researching the influence of plant growth regulators, bacterial preparations, their compositions, and foliar feeding on other winter pea varieties remains relevant.


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