
  • A. V. Shtirbu
  • V. V. Vlasov




grapes, vine, training system, yield, labor costs


Aim. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the influence of the parameters of grapevines on the yield and elaboration system management for non-irrigated cultivation in Steppe environment. Methods. The study was carried out using field experiment. The effect of different vine training systems on yield and quality of wine grape cultivars Rubin tairovskiy, Sukholimansky beliy, Odeskiy ciorniy (Vitis vinifera L.) was studied. The varieties are cultivated on rootstock RxR 101-14. The soil is chernozem heavy loamy on loess. The climate is moderately continental. The territory is classified as a zone of insufficient moisture. Aridity index 0.3 (semi-arid area). Vine management on a 1.8 m high vertical trellis, with individual support. The clean tillage vineyard. Direct labor costs per hectare of vineyard and per unit of yield were calculated. Data were analyzed by arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and relative error of the mean. Results. It was established that in Steppe environment the yield of vineyards of experimental cultivars varies in a range from 7.5 to 12.8 t/ha depending on the vine training system. The value is increased by 13.7-39.8% under Guyot, Royat and Moser systems compared to Cordon, High single wire and Fan shape vine training. The quality of fresh grapes at full berry ripening varies more by cultivar than with changes of vine training system. The high-yielding Guyot and, Royat systems increase direct labor costs of management by 35-38% compared to High single wire. Sufficiently high yield levels, minimum direct labor costs per unit of yield at the level of 67 man-hours/t provides Moser vine training system, which is lower by 6-19% than in other variants of the experiment. Conclusions. Vine training systems differ in efficiency in non-irrigated vineyards of the Steppe, their evaluation and selection at establishment of plantations should be complex depending on productivity, cultivar peculiarities, direct labor costs, enterprise output.


Ресурсні елементарні кошторисні норми на будівельні роботи. Озелення. Захисні лісонасадження. Багаторічні плодові насадження. Збірник 47 : Наказ Мнрегіону від 31.12.2021 № 374.

URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/ (дата звернення: 01.08.2023 р.)

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