
  • V. V. Karpenko




biological preparations, phytosanitary condition, winter triticale, effectiveness


The article highlights the experimental results of the study the influence of pre-sowing treatment of winter triticale seeds and the crops by biological preparations with a fungicidal effect on the phytosanitary condition of the crops. For example, after studying the distribution of winter spots in triticale crops, in particular reticulated, striped and septoriosis, which accounted for the majority of leaf diseases, it was established that the bacteriization of seeds by the microbial preparations Biozlak and Melanoriz, both separately and in combination with the post-emergence application of the biofungicide Bactophyt, contributed suppression of their development. The level of reduction in the harmfulness of diseases, in addition to the type and method of use of the researched preparations, significantly depended on the conditions of moisture supply during the research period. In particular, under the conditions of 2021, the prevalence of leaf diseases was the lowest, while under the increased moisture supply of 2023, it was the highest. The lowest percentage of the spread of winter triticale leaf diseases was traced to the integrated seed bacteriization with the microbial preparation Melanoriz (1,0 l/t) followed by the application of the biofungicide Bactophyt (3,0 l/ha) during the growing season, during which the phytosanitary condition of the crops improved (the spread of diseases was 0,2–20,0% with 7,8–25,3 in the control). A similar trend was noted for the study of ear diseases. In particular, it was established that the most common occurrences in the conditions of the UNUН experimental field were: septoriosis and fusarium, the share of which in the structure of ear diseases was 26 and 24%, respectively, volatile and solid soot –- 16% and 10%, powdery mildew and alternaria – 5%. The general analysis of damage to winter triticale by ear diseases showed that, on average, over the years of research, pre-sowing treatment of crop seeds with the preparations Melanoriz and Biozlak helped reduce the degree of damage to plants by ear diseases, in particular, septoriosis – to 4,2 and 2.5%; fusariosis – up to 2,3 in both versions; with volatile soot – up to 3,0% in both versions and with solid soot – up to 2,1 and 2,0%, respectively. In the case of application the biofungicide of Bactofit at rates of 2,0–3,0 l/ha against the background of untreated seeds, septoriosis damage was suppressed to 2,8–1,8%; fusariosis the up to 2,7–1,4%. Damage by volatile (up to 4,1–8,8%) and solid (up to 5,0–4,7%) sootу was insignificantly reduced, depending on the rates of biofungicide. The most effective was the complex application of Melanorhiz and Bactophyt, which contributed to the reduction of damage to the ear on average over the years of research up to 0,6–4,9%, depending on the type of disease.


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