
  • О. О. Danyliv


soil resources, degradation, soil protection measures, soil fertility, erosion


Soil is an important and irreplaceable component of the ecosystem, which has a unique property – fertility. Soil as a resource ensures the production of agricultural products. In the context of the aggravation of the global food crisis, there is a need for special attention to the state of soil resources and their protection. The purpose of the article is to characterize the current state of soil resources in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, to highlight the main degradation processes that worsen them, to propose measures for the protection and rational use of soils. The peculiarity of the soil cover of the region is that almost all genetic and agro-production types, subtypes of soils, which are typical for the forest-steppe zone, foothills and Carpathians, are found here. According to the natural zoning, in the Western forest-steppe part of the region, gray forest soils and podzolized chernozems are common, which are the most fertile soils in the region. Turf-podzolic soils predominate in Precarpathia, brown mountain and forest soils prevail in the Carpathians. A significant part of the territory of the region is occupied by meadow-black earth, black earth-meadow and sod soils. Meadow, meadow-swamp and swamp soils are common in all soil and climate zones. Irrational use of soils – intensification of agriculture, non-compliance with ecologically safe land use led to the deterioration of soil properties. Among all types of degradation, the most widespread is the intensive development of water erosion processes. Every year, the areas of washed away, eroded soils increase. Along with soil erosion, other negative processes take place, such as dehumification, the increase in the area of acidic soils. In order to improve the state of soil resources it is necessary: to carry out complex of anti-erosion measures on eroded lands, and to carry out chemical reclamation measures on acidic ones. Soil protection measures should include: systematic monitoring of the condition of the soil cover; strengthening the responsibility of land users for the exploitation of land plots; a system of economic incentives for improving soil fertility.


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