amaranth, niche crops, adaptability, homeostasis, genetic potentialAbstract
The article discusses the prospects for growing amaranth as a niche crop with economic potential due to the high selling price and significant, albeit unstable, demand in the agro-food market. In addition to the high content and balance of protein, high yield, high content of vitamins and minerals, a wide range of applications in medicine, amaranth attracts scientists with the ability to realize its potential consistently and, at the same time, adequately respond to changing growing conditions, which indicates an increased adaptive potential. The purpose of the studies conducted in 2019–2021 on the experimental field of State Biotechnological University, determined the practical value of 6 varieties of amaranth breeding V. V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University, the species Amaranthus hybridus (New, Ultra) and the species Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Lera, Student`s, Sam, Kharkiv-1), as well as the prospects for its cultivation as a niche crop in the eastern part of the leftbank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The results of assessing the adaptive potential of amaranth varieties in terms of seed yield showed that there is a difference between the varieties that are grown in Ukraine today both in terms of genetic potential and in its implementation. Based on the analysis of homeostatic varieties (Hom), their agronomic stability (As), genetic potential parameters (Ɛі), and stability parameters of its implementation (Ri), a comprehensive assessment of varieties in terms of seed yield were carried out. It has been established that the species Lera, Sam, and Kharkiv-1 (total rank – 4) have the greatest practical value in growing seeds in the eastern part of the left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The species Lera and Sam are characterized by the highest level of homeostasis (11,90 and 11,80, respectively) and agronomic stability (As – 91.5 and 91.1).
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