
  • O. A. Shevchuk
  • O. O. Khodanitska
  • О. О. Tkachuk
  • O. A. Matviichuk
  • S. V. Polyvanyi
  • I. O. Stepanenko


Epin-extra, Vimpel-2, Vermisol, morphogenesis, kohlrabi cabbage


The article presents the results of research on the effect of growth regulators with different mechanisms of action, in particular, humic preparations (Vympel-2 and Vermisol) and a synthetic analog of the natural phytohormone Epin-Extra, on seed germination, features of growth processes and the productivity of kohlrabi cabbage plants. The research was carried out on cabbage plants of the Widenska bila variety. Pre-sowing soaking of seeds (8 hours) was carried out with aqueous solutions of Epin-extra (1 ml/l), Vermisol (0.05%), Vimpel-2 (0.5%). The control variant of the seeds was soaked in distilled water. Treatment of seedlings with plant growth regulators was carried out in the phase of 2 true leaves. During the research, the seed germination and germination energy, biometric indicators of seedlings and young plants, the area of the leaf surface, the number of leaves, the weight of the stem, and phenological observations were studied. It was established that the pre-sowing treatment of kohlrabi cabbage seeds of the Widenska bila variety with the preparations Vimpel-2, Vermisol, and Epin-Extra led to increasing seed germination. Treatment with the drug Epin-Extra increased the laboratory germination of seeds by 3%, and when using the drug Vermisol – by 2% compared to the control. Growth regulators led to an increase in the germination energy of the kohlrabi cabbage seeds. The growth-regulating preparations caused the rise in the germination energy of kohlrabi cabbage seeds, in particular, Epin-Extra – by 11%, Vermisol – by 10%, and Vimpel-2 – by 9%. It was found that growth regulators caused changes in the morphogenesis of cabbage seedlings. Under the influence of presowing treatment of seeds with Epin-Extra, the hypocotyl length of cabbage increased by 2.2 cm; when using humic preparations (Vympel-2 and Vermisol) – by 1.7 and 1.9 cm respectively. The drugs caused elongation of the main root of the seedlings. Under the influence of the pre-sowing treatment of seeds and treatment of plants in the phase of the second true leaf with growth regulators, the growth processes in seedlings improved, and the diameter of the stem of the root neck, the number of leaves, and the leaf surface area were increased. It was established that the height of plants increased by 29.5% because of the use of Epin-Extra treatment, Vimpel-2 – by 24%, and Vermisol – by 13.7%. The diameter of the stem at the root neck increased by 52%, 39%, and 22%, respectively, through the action of Epin-extra, Vermisol, and Vimpel-2. Growth-regulating drugs make a positive influence on the formation of the foliar surface of kohlrabi cabbage plants due to the increase in the number of leaves and their surface area. The maximum effect of the influence of growth regulators on the area of the assimilation surface of kohlrabi cabbage leaves was detected with the use of the drug Epin-Extra. It was established that the use of the humic preparation Vimpel-2 and the synthetic analog of the phytohormones Epin-Extra on Widenska Bila cabbage plants was the most effective, the drugs led to an increase in yield by 7% and 13%, respectively.


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